
Bitcoin Q1 2022 Fundamental Forecast: Macro Will Matter (More) To Bitcoin

The path forward has been anything but smooth as bitcoin investors have consistently weathered peri…

GBP Q1 2022 Fundamental Forecast: Additional Bank of England Rate Hikes are on The Way

The Bank of England (BoE) started the cycle of tightening monetary policy by hiking the UK Base Rat…

Binance Turkey fined 8M lira for non-compliance against money laundering

MASAK found Binance Turkey guilty of violating the Law on Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crim…

Trading Inflation Expectations

Like an ominous scene from a classic horror movie, rising inflation in 2021 was expected to be the …

USD Q1 2022 Fundamental Forecast: Dollar's Hawkish Path Is Not Necessarily a Bullish One

The US central bank announced a significant shift in its monetary policy stance to end 2021, but th…

What is a honeypot crypto scam and how to spot it?

A virtual trap to lure attackers so that you can improve security policies is what honeypot aims fo…

Oil Q1 2022 Fundamental Forecast: Crude to Avoid Bear Market as Supply Constraints Persist

The price of oil may face a bear market in the first quarter of 2022 as it falls nearly 20% from th…